Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Courts and Marriage. But not together.

"You gon' have to go to court for stabbing me, motherfucker." -said calmly and sternly by a young woman to her male companion on the x2 this morning. Said woman was holding the hand of a toddler. Is it a problem that I hardly found this comment blog-worthy? Am I running out of material from over-stimulation?

The following exchange also happened this morning outside the Rite Aid where I went to get my Monster energy drink fix.

Older, disheveled, drunken man stumbling off the bus: "Hey miss - can you help me out?"Me: "What do you need help with?"

Man: "Will you marry me?"

Me: "Haha.Ha."

Man: "Seriously... will you marry me?"

Ah, H Street. It does wonders for a gal's self esteem .


  1. This was my quote of the day today: "hey whitey where you been all my life? Imma marry you"
