Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hobbling on the 92

Since spraining my foot over the weekend, I've gained a new perspective on exactly how annoying my morning commute can be, and how sweet it was before. Now don't get me wrong... some people are really nice. For example, the man who told me, "Baby, if you'd let me, I'd carry you anywhere you need to go." Or the guy who held open the door for me with his cane.

But geez... hobbling onto the 92 this morning, it was incredible how rude people are! I was very obviously limping and unable to get around easily, but three grown men as well as several women had no interest in allowing me to sit down. If you've ever tried to balance on one foot while grabbing the window for stability with one hand, you can imagine how difficult this is on the crickity, crackity bus, and the aggressive driver speeding up, then slammming on his brakes as hard as he can. Among the people who wouldn't move? A strapping young fellow with a wife beater tank top stretched tightly across his vast expanse of gut. He would nod off, then snap awake, then nod off while watching something (sadly, I couldn't see what) on his shiny new Apple computer. Two oversized women with attitudes to match sat on either side of him. Seemingly, they didn't even know each other, but with their pursed lips, raised eyebrows, and ability to look me up and down so irratingly yet threateningly, they could have passed as sisters. Finally, the lone woman who actually needed to use on of the seats glared angrily at no one in particular and pointed her cane at several passengers, as if to warn them of something.

I can't wait to see what happens on the way home. The soccer hooligans were much nicer than the bus-goers, so maybe I'll just find a drinking hole close to home and have the bus driver drop me there.

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