Thursday, April 15, 2010

Beltway Hipsters

On the red line this afternoon, I saw a couple of tea-baggers get their giant ill-informed yet witty signs stuck in the metro door while they used their non-ironic white keds to try and pry it free. Heh. If they knew more about my beltway mentality and not just main street, they'd realize that the metro doors aren't like elevator doors... they'll totally close on you! It's been fun having the teabaggers in town... crowding the metro elevators, inciting more political controversy (because DC doesn't have enough of it), but watching out of towners struggle with public transportation just somehow never gets old. I can't help getting a little defensive when the "real" Americans talk crap about DC and our "beltway mentality," whatever that is. Hey guys! You're in my neighborhood! Your lovely protest will make me late for work because all the streets are blocked off. I am not some faceless entity that is taking your money. Oh, and one more thing... I think your fanny pack makes you look fat.

Oh, Beltway... other sightings included a serious man in business attire, conservative hair and... a hot pink wrist watch! They also included a 55 year old woman (guessing on age) with a low cut "Apple Bottoms" T-shirt. She held what was presumably a grandchild on her lap. And finally, I saw a thugged out guy standing outside the metro playing Ray LaMontagne for tips. The hipsters have taken over! Wait for MGMT to start playing in the background for congressional hearings.

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