Monday, September 20, 2010

Huuuge Thighs!

The other day, I took a Friday off from work. It was a nice break from the routine- I woke up, went for a run, rode my bike to the grocery store, and got harrassed by my new neighbors. I was only a bit shocked by the last part. Truth be told, I never expected a casserole or a "welcome to the neighborhood" bundt cake, but I was a bit taken aback by the audible grunts. I thought they would keep them inaudible, as I live down the street, and their quiet admiration would increase their chances of catching sight of me through the window, or wherever people typically spy on their female neighbors. Now, I am keenly aware of their intentions, and I am careful to keep the blinds shut. Silly fools.

Anyway, as I biked past the D6 (suckers), three elderly gentlemen sat crouched in front of a house around 10 AM on a beautiful day. Cradling a 40 oz in one arm and dangling a cigarette out of the same hand, one points me out to his friends with a gutteral sound followed by a "Daaaaaaaamn. Ummmmmm. Look at them legs... She's got some huuuuge ol' thighs!"

What an asshole. Strangely, I think he meant the huge thighs thing as a compliment - he seemed pleased with his findings. I was literally angry about this for three hours... he simultaneously objectified me and hurt my feelings in one quick statement. I wasn't sure which one to be angry about, and my confusion only added to my desire to hit him with the handlebars on my pink bike the next time I see him.

Should I switch back to the bus, a kinder forum for writing with better opportunities for listening, and fewer opportunities for showing said huge thighs? Or should I stick it out on the bike riding tales?

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