This valentine card found on the street reads: "Wishing the public a better day."
When I was a kid, Valentines Day was a chance to make cards for my siblings and my parents, eat candy when it was otherwise not allowed, and wear something pink, with hearts on it. I liked it... why not? Who cared about the historical insignificance, the attack on the singles (hello? I'm 8. I don't care if you're a cat lady), or the gushiness of coupledom (my parents were, um, not gushy people. I never had to deal with that awkwardness)?
As an adult, I would come to despise this holiday as many do. When in a relationship, it's an awkward chance for forced getting along, ostentatious displays of false affection, and a sexist slant where men are expected to cater to women, no matter what the silly request. When single, it's a sad reminder of how you fall short in the areas of love, relationships, and family. All your friends go on and on about how their "hubby" is the best, post photos of that fabulous bouquet of roses he bought, and the rose petals leading up to the bed where there are candles and champagne. If you're anything like me, you spent your Valentines Day eating microwave kraft mac n cheese singles and chain smoking outside.
Regardless of relationship status, what bothers me is the expectation- the forced nature of it. The fact that single women beat themselves up for not having their romantic life in order when, often times, their social/creative/professional lives are totally in order, and that women in relationships expect this lush display of what Hallmark told you says romance (sorry for the cliche attack on Hallmark- I know they'll, at some point, create a card making fun of that very thing). Maybe you like roses. But maybe you like an awesome band. Or going to a shooting range. Or maybe you'd like to go rock climbing instead of stuffing your post-holiday figure into a slinky red dress and thinking about how you'll need to order the salad at that lame restaurant so as not to display your, um, curves too much. This is not really an option.
So I guess that's why I liked this take on Valentines Day. Some random person duct taped this Valentines Day card on the ground by metro center in a city characterized by anonymity and yes, occasionally needless bitchiness. I didn't expect it any more than I expected a dozen roses on my doorstep when I got home- no one did. That person wasn't expected to leave any note of niceness for the general public who, in all probability, was an asshole to them that morning. Coupled with an e-card from my Mom, that unexpected simple gesture made my day and my macaroni a little better- more like the Valentines Days of my childhood when sugar and non-romantic love made everything better.
So rather than taking the "OMG it's Valentines Day you're the best snookums" or the "Valentines Day can go f**k itself" approach, maybe I can work on focusing on something simpler. But don't worry, friends in relationships- I still think your gushiness and love is gross.
Happy February 15th, kids. And I'll leave you with this "overheard:"
From a middle aged man with a long chain necklace who just got off the phone: "Damn. Can't even surprise no one no more. Try and do somethin nice for ya shorty, she be askin all these questions. Sh*t."
I got dvd box set of the Monterey Pop Fest for Valentine's day and a plush donut from my son. Just thought I'd share....