Outside a Pat Green show...
Me: "Hey, do you think I could bum a cigarette?"
Pretty blond girl: "Sure, but only because you're cute. (lights my cigarette for me) You were supposed to swoon when I did that! (giggles) Oh, I'm not a lesbian though." Sure, pretty blond girl, that's what they all say...
Same venue...
J: "This is probably my seventh or eighth Pat Green concert."
Me: "Sweet- only my third. I'm not really that good at keeping up with concerts."
J (shocked): "Really?! Don't take this the wrong way... but aren't you kind of a hipster??"
I had nothing except that I was drinking miller lites instead of PBR for most of that night and really loved Pat Green, even after he was cool and sold out to Nashville. But he made a good point... I was going to blog about it the next day. Crap.
Outside the D6...
Random woman on the phone: "Look, if you's already been dismissed, how ya gonna stay loyal??"
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