Thursday, July 22, 2010

How Now Brown Cow

"Brown cows are boy cows. Duh." -7 year old boy on the metro, in response to his little sister's question of the difference between black and brown cows.

"They make me run faster, they make me walk better, they make me taller, and they're comfortable." - same kid a few moments later, describing the obvious superiority of his spankin' new Asics. They were pretty cool.

Now that I have a new job, I get to ride the x2 both ways, every day. I expect endless stories. This morning, I sat next to a girl who sobbed to her friend on her cell phone for 10 blocks. From what I could tell, her boyfriend had eaten some of her mother's fettuccini, thinking it was hers. And the boyfriend (maybe it was a male roommate - I couldn't tell) was ridiculous because she "eats little things, not a whole meal like that." Drama!

Also, my old boyfriend in Southeast referenced in my last post? He was a barber. This is significant because there is a barber that stands at 7 and H where I catch the x2 in the mornings, every morning. He looks me up and down and asks if my ankle is doing any better. I wonder... if I bat my eyelashes could I charm him into being my rebound morning commute boyfriend? I'll work on it.

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