Image here is an artistic representation of my life today. A random toilet with a crushed can of steel reserve in the bottom. Best part? Toilet is located on the sidewalk. 8th Street NE neighbors, have y'all been following the abuse to which this toilet has been exposed in the last few days? Why?!
Anyway, I eventually got to work to find that they will no longer be paying for employee health insurance. Now, we get to pay for it ourselves! How fun is that?! And what does it mean for the 92? Hopefully one more disabled drunk to adorn the speckled seats of the metrobus. Because no health insurance, coupled with no dental insurance means a set of rotted teeth complimented by an anger-fueled beer addiction (maybe I'll switch to malt liquor), no regular check ups, and best yet? No coverage for all my meds. Which means? You guessed it. Knocked up and drunk with rotted teeth. Aw yea. Way to go, anonymous-ish employer... way to use your values of equality and taking care of the poor to propel cycles of poverty while pushing newly poor folks into the "system." Way to use your voice of social justice to preach the need for no health coverage, while giving a raise to employees who are openly racist. Venting? What? Me?
God. Dude, professional barista is looking better and better. Just until something better opens up! And just about anything is something better!